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We have received your Registration for Overseas Member.

Verification e-mail will be sent to your registered e-mail id.

Once you verify your email your Application for Overseas Member will reviewed by HKIDA committee. Your application number is: {{application_number}}.

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Company Information
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Valid Number.
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Country Code.
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Area Code.
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Fax No.
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Management Details
Please fill out First Director.
Sales Manager Details

Please Select Any Option.

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Please Enter FirstName.
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Country Code.
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Valid Country Code.
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Mobile Number.
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Valid Mobile Number.
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Country Code.
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Valid Country Code.
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Valid Number.
Telephone number maxlength increased.
Company Documents
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Annual Return (AR 1) Form
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Annual Return / Tax Return
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Representative Personal Information
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Please Enter FirstName.

Please select your birth date.
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Please Select Nationality.
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Your email address is already Registered.
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Country Code.
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Valid Country Code.
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Mobile Number.
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Valid Mobile Number.
Please Select Reference Name 1.
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Representative's Documents
Please Enter ID No.
Upload HKID Document Upload ID/PAN/White Card/
Green Card No. Document
Please Upload Document.
Please Enter Passport No.
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Please Enter OCI Card No.
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Please Upload Document.
Please Enter OCI Card No.
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Branch Office Information

Add More Branch Maximum of 4 branches allowed.
Company Resolution  {{editData.CompanyName}}
Company No: {{editData.CertificateOfIncorporationNo}}
BR No: {{editData.BusinessRegistrationNo}}
(Incorporated in Hong Kong)
(“the Company”)


RESOLVED THAT Mr. {{ editDataR.LastName }} {{editDataR.FirstName }} {{editDataR.MiddleName }} holding ID.{{editDataR.IDProof}} be appointed as the authorized representative of the Company at Hong Kong Indian Diamond Association Limited (the “Association”).

FURTHER RESOLVED THAT {{ editDataR.LastName }} {{editDataR.FirstName }} {{editDataR.MiddleName }} be authorized to (i) attend and vote at all general meetings of the Association from time to time and to sign all documents and do all acts and things for and on behalf of the Company in connection with such meetings; and/or (ii) pass all written resolutions of members of the Association on behalf of the Company from time to time and to sign all documents and do all acts and things for and on behalf of the Company in connection therewith.

Date: {{currentDate | date:'dd-MMM-yyyy'}}


Name Of Director: {{editData.FirstDirector}}


Name Of Director: {{editData.SecondDirector}}

Company No: {{editData.CertificateOfIncorporationNo}}
BR No: {{editData.BusinessRegistrationNo}}
(Incorporated in Hong Kong)
(“the Company”)


This is to certify that our company is directly/indirectly held by person of Indian origin to the extent of 50% or above.

Date: {{currentDate | date:'dd-MMM-yyyy'}}

Sign & Chop:

Name Of Director/Proprietor/Partner: {{editData.FirstDirector}}

Applicant's Declaration
  • I certify that the information provided in this application form is true and correct.
  • I understand that should any of these information is found to be incorrect or misleading after enrolment, HKIDA has the right to unilaterally terminate applicant’s membership and take out disciplinary action against the terminated member.
  • I am in sympathy with the mission and objectives of HKIDA and agree hereby to abide and be bound by the Articles of Association and other by-laws in force of HKIDA until such time as the membership shall be terminated by resignation or otherwise.
  • I understand once the application is approved, the Initial Fee and Membership Annual Fee are non-refundable under any reasons.
  • I understand once the application is approved the annual fee will be applicable for 1 calendar year (January to December ) irrespective on the joining/approval date.
  • I agree with HKIDA to continue to use my personal data for the purpose of membership application. I understand that failure to provide full information may result in the delay or decline of my application and such information will also be used for purposes relating to the administration in HKIDA including the usage of HKIDA’s facilities.
    1. Purpose of collection of data and its use:
    2. The personal data you provide to HKIDA is for use of the membership application and failure to provide full information may result in the delay or decline of your application. The information will also be used for purposes relating to the administration in HKIDA including usage of HKIDA’s facilities.

    3. Updating and stop using your personal data:
    4. Subject to exemption under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have the right of access and connection with respect to personal data. If you do not wish HKIDA to continue to use your personal data for the purposes mentioned in (1) above, and/or would like to enquire/update your personal data, please let us know in writing letter addressed to the Chairman of Membership Division.

Proposed By


Representative Name: {{SelectedRefComp1.FullName}}

Company Name: {{SelectedRefComp1.CompanyName}}

Member Code: {{SelectedRefComp1.MemberCode}}

Seconded By


Representative Name: {{SelectedRefComp2.FullName}}

Company Name: {{SelectedRefComp2.CompanyName}}

Member Code: {{SelectedRefComp2.MemberCode}}

Applicant Signature and Chop



HKIDA, its agents, officers, members, and representatives who is/are being assigned to a matter shall not be liable for any act or omission in connection with a case if the matter is administered in pursuant to the Articles of Association of HKIDA.
Acceptance of Declaration

We, as a prospective member of the Association do hereby declare that we have read and understood the Articles of the Association. We further do hereby commit ourselves to abide by the provisions of the Articles.

Please Accept Terms..

Disclosure *

Do you, as an individual or a Company, or any representatives in your Company, deal with Lab. grown synthetic diamonds?

Please Accept Terms..

Word Verification *